Why should I drink water?


Our body is made up of tiny units called cells. Every cell in our body is filled with water and needs it to function properly. We lose water when we breathe, sweat, pee and have bowel movements so it constantly needs to be replenished. Water helps to clear waste from the body, regulates our temperature and lubricates our joints. Without adequate fluid intake, functions of the body are disrupted and you may start feeling tired very quickly.

How much are we talking here?

The Mayo Clinic suggests that most men need about 15.5 cups (3.7 litres) and women need about 11.5 cups (2.7 litres) of fluid per day. That includes fluid from what we eat as well, which makes up about 20% of our daily fluid intake. Foods like cucumbers, celery, zucchini, watermelon, strawberries, and cauliflower contain more fluid. Trying to drink around 8 cups of water, milk or non caffeinated fluids a day is reasonable for most, but it varies for every person. You might need more water if: the temperature is hot, you’re exercising, you’re pregnant or nursing, you are sick or have vomiting/diarrhea.

But what about my skin?

Now I’m sure we have all heard Sandra tell us to “Drink lots of water!”, but why? Our skin, or epidermis, is made up of many tiny cells. In one square inch of skin tissue there are approximately 19 million cells. These cells require water to clear toxins and function properly. When the cells are dehydrated, the skin shrivels and loses its lustre. Research studies have shown that drinking more water alone directly increases the deep and surface hydration of the skin. 

How much is too much?

If you are drinking a lot of water and still feel thirsty, your electrolyte levels might be low. 

Electrolytes include sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium, calcium, phosphate, and bicarbonates that we get from eating and drinking. They are essential for cells, muscles and nerves in our bodies to function properly. Disruptions in electrolyte levels disrupt bodily functions. You can supplement levels by adding an electrolyte drink into your routine. They come pre-mixed or in powders or tabs, that dissolve in water. Just make sure to read the label, as some are very high in sugar.

Just like other behaviours, it’s hard to change habits or routines! Try to set yourself up for success by adding water into the routine of your day. Consider using a large water bottle or cup so you can track how much you are drinking throughout the day. If you don’t like the taste, try adding some slices of fruit or cucumber to change the flavour. 

Until next time,

Trina W. FSNB editor.

Disclaimer: this is not medical advice. Consult with your doctor if you have questions or concerns about your hydration and health.




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